If you are struggling with your faith or if you don't believe in God, for whatever reason, read this blog. I don't know if it will make a difference but I know that it helped me. So let me know if it makes a difference to you. This blog is partly about my journey and partly something I discovered on the "road".
I was thinking about my life one night as I was sitting in the church I now go to. I started going to it about a year ago and it kind of hit me that my life journey had brought me to this little church where I never expected to end up. The church is very close to my home and I have driven past it a million times and know people who go there. But I just always thought I'd stay in the church I had been going to for the past 9 years.
We all make a journey through this life (as corny as that may sound). And mine brought me to this little church after all my years of walking as a Christian. And in this church, through God using certain people, I have found amazing freedom and healing in my life that I had never found before!
Over the years I have gone to many different churches. When I was growing up in TX, I went to a huge Church! It was immense--especially in my small eyes. But I DIDN'T find God there. And I was hungry for HIM-- even then.
Of course, I heard a lot about HIM and learned many facts and stories and rules--but not HIM. HE may have been there-- but I didn't see HIM.
I often think that people give up on God because we ( people, Christians, churches) get in the way.
Some of you may have once believed in God but not so much anymore. You went to church for a while but it didn't really do anything for you so you just quit going. Or maybe someone (or a group of people) really hurt you there. And you thought, "if this is Christianity---forget about it!"
But I'm here to tell you ----DON'T STOP LOOKING!
HE is REAL! HE says if you seek HIM diligently, you WILL find HIM!
I guarantee you will-- if you really want to!
I would venture to say that nearly everyone believes there is a spiritual world out there. They may not call it God. Some may call it enlightenment or a Higher Power or just plain "energy". But most realize there is "something" out there that is not of this world--it's spiritual.
So if you are not really sure there is a God:
..... then you probably believe that we just came into being after a big explosion. And that explosion somehow created life-- something like an amoeba. And that amoeba became all the different life forms we have today.
But if that's true, then how did the spiritual world develop from that amoeba?
Now you may be one of the few people who doesn't even believe in spiritual things. But most people do believe in spirituality in some form. They have seen things they cannot explain and they knew they were from a spiritual realm. I have experienced the supernatural--both Good and bad--so I know it exists.
(I would be glad to tell you more about that if you are interested.)
Where did that spiritual element come from if we were all blown into existence?
And if there is a spiritual force in this world, what is its source?
I personally believe there is a "veil" that covers our physical eyes which keeps us from seeing the spiritual world. But just because we can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. It is.
Just like the wind-- we can't see it but we know it exists~
In my life journey I have come to believe that there is a spiritual world. And that world has to have a source.... I believe it comes from a Spiritual Being. We are not able to comprehend this BEING-- just like it's pretty hard to comprehend how an explosion created life.
And it's also hard to comprehend and fathom the millions of galaxies that go on and on without end in this universe. But just because it's mind boggling to try and fathom a universe that seems to be endless., doesn't mean that it's not true. Our most powerful telescopes in space just find more and more galaxies as they float deeper and deeper into our solar system.
And just because it's hard to fathom an Almighty, Spiritual BEING, does not mean HE is not there!
Perhaps you have talked yourself out of believing because it is such a stretch to believe in HIM?
But what is the alternative?
Is it any easier to believe that an asteroid created all of it??? And that life somehow formed from this major explosion and then evolved into all the different life forms we have today on earth?? And one of those forms became apes and the other humans? And the humans have a greater intelligence and a spiritual part to them-- but the apes weren't so fortunate?
(People who believe this are considered the intellectuals.)
It doesn't make any more sense to believe that than it does in an Almighty God. But perhaps it's easier to believe in the "big bang" because there is no responsibility to then have to deal with the reality of a Holy God.
But if it does happen to be true that there is a God, what does that mean to you?
It means you are loved by an amazing Being! It means you get to have a relationship with the ONE WHO made you! It means you get to live forever with HIM if you accept the gift HIS Son gave you--forgiveness for your sins. And we ALL need that forgiveness!
HE also said there is a very real and present enemy that lives and moves on this earth. And he is out to destroy all that is good in this world and he means business. That is why there is so much sadness and pain in this world.
You cannot live passively in this life. You have to serve somebody-- just like the song says.
God doesn't want anyone to end up without HIM. That is why HE made a way for us so we don't have to. But it is our choice.
So if you still doubt HE exists, then find out for yourself whether HE is real or not. Ask HIM to show you HIMSELF. And if you are really looking--HE will!
Then ask HIM into your heart. This Amazing BEING wants a relationship with you! That's why HE created us in the first place--like a Father who wants to have a child---HE wants You. HE doesn't just want you to know about HIM-- HE wants you to know HIM! And that will take you a lifetime--an eternity.
Have a Glorious Easter!
Monday, March 10, 2008
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