Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1st--Are you a Fool?

Today is the day where people love to play tricks on people and make them feel like a fool. But, according to the Bible, there are people who are actually referred to as fools.
Psalm 14:1The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."
I would say to you that we have all been fools at one time or another. There are few who have always believed there is a God. Most of us have had doubts at one time or another.
But what about those who just think that God is a fairy tale because it is just too unbelievable to think that there actually is a GOD in Heaven?
That has been the ultimate purpose of this blog to reveal the Truth. And I believe that every avenue available to man has revealed that there is indeed Truth that can be known by all who really want to know. And that Truth resounds over and over to those who hear-- that there is indeed an Omnipotent Being WHO (as unbelievable as it sounds) created the heavens and the earth and all that is within them.
We have talked about the fairly recent discovery by scientists in the past century who have come to the conclusion that our universe had to have a beginning. And that argument ALONE is probably one of the best to realize that there must be a God because how else did all of this begin? Can anyone logically give me another explanation????
And we have talked about the amazing intricacies of even a single cell which demands some thought to the possibility that they had to be created or designed to even work. It is almost an insult to say that a cell just somehow came into being over thousands of years and was, more or less, an accident of nature. I am insulted by the belief that says I am an accident of nature!!!
It’s like the guy who they just did a movie about (I didn’t see it). He created the windshield wipers and no one would give him credit for it. It seemed like a simple idea but it took him years and hard work to get it to the place of being functional. Isn’t it a little silly to think that over time, it just started working right?
Charles Darwin said many years ago, that if someone could prove that a biological system COULD NOT have been constructed in incremental steps over long periods of time, then his theory would be invalid.
It has almost become absurd to think that out of some mixture of chemicals (that had to be exactly right) from an explosion (which no one can explain) in a universe (that had a beginning), an amoeba somehow formed (make that two) and it became an extremely complex organism which evolved into all the multitude of every different life form that now exists~!
Biochemists have discovered that the cell is anything but simple. (Yes, I know that it could have started out that way but can you explain how even a simple cell started?)
In a single cell, there are about 3 billion units of DNA making up the chromosomes. And there is the staggering complexity of its molecular machines that fit together to do their job. There are 40 different protein parts that are required to build a flagellum motor. It has been called the most efficient machine in the Universe. And yet, there are many who still insist, that this machine somehow formed itself accidentally.
How could a machine of such superb design arisen gradually without foresight or plan through the biological pathway Darwin envisioned? He felt he could find naturalistic processes to account for the complexity of life. Darwin thought that with enough time, natural selection and random changes in the cell, it could transform these simple cells into the great diversity of life.
A man named, Mike Behe, has written about “irreducible complexity” that states, on a molecular level, cells are so complex that they could not have evolved over eons of time because all parts of a cell are vital for function. In other words, you could not put something together like this gradually or it wouldn’t work at all. It’s like a heart cannot start functioning properly until every vein and artery are in place. And the heart has to be positioned in an environment where it can pump. How can that happen gradually?
Darwin said if someone could prove any complex organ existed which couldn’t possibly be formed by numerous, successive slight modifications, then his theory would break down. Michael Behe discovered the existence of biological machinery which could make Darwin’s theory invalid.
I know you scientists out there are about to pounce on me, but I did do some further research and found Behe has his adversaries (who doesn’t?). The Mullerian two-step proponents call Behe’s theory silly and they explain how there are only two basic steps needed to gradually evolve an “irreducibly complex” system from a “functioning precursor”. They believe parts could have been added simultaneously and as needed. Well that explains it all, doesn’t it???? How silly of Behe to think that a complex machine had to be all there before it would work! There already existed a lesser precursor that just needed a little tweaking before it would work properly~! We silly Creationists should have thought of that!
(Please note that many of the additional sarcastic statements are mine and are not those of the scientists.)
And I checked out Keith Robison’s thoughts about Behe. He calls Behe’s book, Darwin’s Black Box, an exposition of the Frontiers of Ignorance because he thinks we cannot postulate on that which we do not know for sure. Isn’t that what Science does all the time??? Isn’t that what Robison does himself?
He says that all we can do is look at the facts and logic presented and determine whether it makes any sense. ( What a good idea!) And he proceeds to give the flaws in Behe’s mousetrap design example. Behe talks about how a mousetrap will not catch a mouse if all the parts are not there. Behe calls the mousetrap “irreducibly complex”.
Robison proceeds to “catch” Behe in his ignorant assumption by explaining how the mousetrap could have evolved without every piece Behe thought was needed. He gave the brilliant example of how he could apply some of the pieces of the mousetrap to a floor. He said it would not be as functional but it would still work. “And then eventually, the floor would evolve into a small wooden base that could move to wherever a mouse (forget about how the mouse got there) might be living.” My quote.
Behe responded to him that he was still given some of the parts to the mousetrap that did fit together when assembled by someone “with some intelligence” (my quote). I realize Robison was just trying to show the absurdness of speaking about that which we do not know. He did a good job in my opinion.
But Behe went on to argue the question, where did the parts come from in the first place? And then how did the parts slowly but surely adapt to form a very complex organism?
Robison’s explanation: he sarcastically referred to Behe’s theory as the “God of the Gaps” explanation where someone can claim “Creationism” when it is found that if you remove a part --it doesn’t work--so there must be a God! I guess the thought of Intelligent Design makes as much sense as his astounding argument does!
I know I have presented some of these ideas in a sarcastic way and I ask you to forgive me. But it baffles me that people can come up with such ridiculous arguments to Intelligent Design and yet call those who believe it “ridiculous“-- and ignorant. And, of course, they may have a point. If you come from that worldview that believes we have all branched off from a tree that proceeded from the loins of an amoeba, then some of us probably haven’t “evolved” to the great intellectual status that others have.
I ask you, which of us is the fool?