Is something missing in your life?
Do you long for something else but you're not sure what?
Have your dreams died?
Do you wish your life had turned out different?
Is there sorrow in your soul?
Are you hurting right now?
If you can answer "yes" to any of these questions, then you probably have a "soul hole".
If you are wondering what a "soul hole" is-- it's a hole in your heart--not a physical one but a spiritual one. It 's a term I kind of made up, (I don't think I have ever heard that term before) but I think it's an accurate description of a wound or scar that comes into our heart. It's a result of living on this earth.
Now you may be thinking I am stuck on hearts since my last blog was about hearts. I do have a love for the concept of the heart. It all started when I read this book a few years ago called Waking the Dead. And if you haven't checked out this book by John Eldredge, please do. It was a life changing book for me. In this book, he vividly describes the spiritual heart of people. He talks about how we need to guard our hearts and that we damage our spiritual hearts when we give pieces of it away to others who do not care for it properly. The more often we give away our hearts---usually the more holes we have!
And we all have them. You can't get through this life without a hole or two!
Holes in our souls are drilled into all of us. They come through the spikes of life--hatred, anger, abuse, mistreatment, rejection, sickness, sorrow, loss of those we love,etc, etc, etc.
Life is kind of like walking through a minefield! You just never know what is going to hit you next!
So we walk around with holes in our heart. The question is: What can we do about it? How can we fix the hole situation?
I would say most people try to fill the holes up. If they can stuff them up with something, they won't hurt anymore. I thing the most popular hole stuffer is other people/relationships! We find someone we think will fill in the missing parts in our heart, and maybe it does for a while, but usually the stuffing starts falling out and the hole reemerges with a big vacuum sound--a sound most of us are pretty familiar with!
Another popular hole stuffer is self medicating. We want to kill the pain of the hole with something that makes us feel good--at least for a while.
Doesn't work.
Distraction is another way to avoid the hole--movies, parties, looking good, dating someone who looks good, being cool, whatever else we can think of.
Also, doesn't work.
And one more option we use to protect our hearts is to make it HARD-- where NOTHING can penetrate it. That can happen, even if we don't want it to, when we let anger and bitterness take over-- especially if we direct that anger at God. If we keep blaming God for everything bad that happens to us, our hearts get hard towards HIM. And eventually our hearts become like stone. Our hearts won't feel any pain if they become cold like stone, BUT they can't feel love either. We become cynical and life becomes shallow.
So how do we get through this life without our heart being riddled with holes?
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the well spring of life." Proverbs 4:23
How can you guard a heart??? You can put up boundaries (guards) around your heart and only let certain things cross those boundaries--healthy things and healthy people. And there is only One you can totally trust with your heart. The Only One that deserves such an honor---the ONE Who made it! Not only can you trust HIM with it but HE can change that heart of stone into one of flesh that can feel again.
HE just did it for me a few weeks ago. HE restored my soul. HE filled up many of the holes in my heart. And HE will keep filling them as I open up and let HIM in.
How many people do you know that can do that? How many therapists can actually heal people? How many lovers can change the past even though they love you with great passion and genuiness? How many people can restore your soul?
HE is the Only One Who can and HE is the Only One you should give your heart to. HE will handle it carefully. And HE knows just what to do to close up all the holes that lay gaping open in your heart. HE fills them up with HIS healing and love. And then you can love other people with a pure love--a love that's not looking to get its holes filled.
That's how it's suppose to be. So let HIM heal that heart of yours. HE Is the Soul Hole Healer!
Any comments or thoughts please email Carol at: