Someone responded to my last blog "Got Peace?" and said he could relate to the beginning of the blog but not to the end of it. He understood how it is trying to find a rare, peaceful minute in this life but he could not relate to the end of my blog. That's the one where I neatly packaged my story with the "get Jesus and you'll get peace" ribbon.
He is a Christian but he said he wished it were that simple to find peace. I do too!
I felt like I had succumbed to a weakness I have always had which is to wrap everything up in my mind with a tidy, nice ending. I like happy endings and I always want my stories and musings to have one but I think I made the bow too big on this one.
Life is simply not that simple and I, of all people, know that. That is why I have repressed so many bad memories because they don't fit into my happy ending ideology. So forgive me for the trite ending of my last blog. It was not fitting. It was not honest.
I do believe what I said is true but not how I presented it. If you truly abide in Jesus you will have peace. But I am no expert in the peace department and I shouldn't have come across as one.
So if you don't have peace in your life, I empathize , because I don't very often either. I think it's hard to live under the "shadow of the Almighty" all the time in this fallen world. I believe Jesus did it but He's probably the only ONE Who really succeeded at it.
For the rest of us, it's a hit and miss endeavor. Sometimes we live in that reality and sometimes we don't. When we do, it's glorious because nothing can touch us there. But more often than not, the world gropes at us with its worries and troubles and we usually let it snatch our peace away. And I think that's where the majority of us live most of the time.
So, to end this blog, I will do it more honestly this time. I wish I had more peace in my life. I long for it, crave it and need it. And the older I get, the more I desire it. I do believe very much in Heaven and that I will find peace there that is unimaginable. But in the meantime, I'd like to find more of it down here.
Any suggestions or comments, write carol at:
She'd love to hear from you! Honestly!