I asked my son the other night if he believed there is only ONE Truth about each thing in this world? At first he said he wasn't sure and then he said he thought there probably was only one Truth.
It then occurred to me that this question was kind of profound although I didn't realize it at the time.
So I wondered about it myself. Do I believe there is only one Truth in regard to everything? I thought about it quite a bit and then decided that-- I think I do!
As amazing at it may seem, I think there must be only ONE TRUTH in regard to everything on this earth!!!!!
Have you ever thought about that? I never had until I started on this journey seeking Truth.
Let me ask you: what would the alternative be?
IF there is NOT just ONE Truth in every situation, every writing, and every belief in this world, would that mean there are many truths regarding each one?
How could there be many truths about one thing?
There can be many opinions and thoughts but all of those are based on what each person believes to be TRUE!
How could each person be right when they believe very different things?
If you take this to its logical conclusion, I think you would have to agree that there must be only ONE TRUTH in every single facet of life!
And IF that is True, then how could there be so many different opinions and thoughts and beliefs in the world? And each one believes they are right?
That has never been more evident than NOW in watching this election!!!! There are a lot of people who think they have found the truth in a certain candidate and they will not even consider the possibility that they are wrong.
Of course, not any one candidate has ALL the truth but one of them has to have more than the other, right? Does that mean that one of the candidates is definitely the right one?
People are willing to die for what they believe to be true. I admire their passion, but passion does not equal Truth! We can be passionate about something that is false.
That is the reason it is so important that you know what you believe and KNOW that it is TRUE! Otherwise, you are living your life based on a lie. That is not a good way to live!
Is it possible to know THE TRUTH about each and every thing? I believe it is. That's why I'm doing this search.
So what have I come to believe is THE TRUTH? Let me tell you by saying this:
The world is in chaos and I would propose that if everyone REALLY did follow the ONE I believe has the TRUTH--all the TRUTH--that the world would be in order. That there would be no collapse of the economy because there would be no greed. That there would be no hunger because we would share. There would be no extermination of people in Darfur because they would be loved--not hated. There would be no loneliness because we would care. There would be no orphans, or homeless, or poor because we would take care of them because we would see them as our own.
And there would be no need to spend millions of dollars on campaigns to pick a leader because those with the gift of leadership would naturally lead. And others would follow and they would contribute to this world with their gifts--through giving, teaching, art, music, healing or whatever has been given them. Leadership would not be about power and showing how horrible the other candidate is. It would be about caring about other people and doing what is in their best interest.
There would be peace in this world. There would be no war in Iraq and no country would feel the need to take over another. They would all exist respecting each other because they would all follow what is TRUE!
It kind of sounds like heaven, doesn't it? I believe that is what TRUTH would look like on this earth--Heaven.
I would love to know what you think about this. Sometimes we need others to help us see what is True. We can all be deceived at times. We can help each other if we care enough to try. I believe we can arrive at the TRUTH together.
TRUTH awaits us. We just have to find it and embrace it.