Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue

I wanted to share with you an article I wrote about the state of the Conservative Party now:

Wednesday morning, November 5th, I was jolted awake but it wasn't by my alarm. No, on this morning, it was Obama that gave me the jolt!!! I have awakened to the reality that Barack Hussein Obama is going to be our new President. It is a Conservative's worst nightmare! The most liberal Senator in Congress has now become the President-elect of the United States!

All of the conservatives knew it was coming but we still held out hope for a man who had weathered far worse odds . The Country respected McCain and over 57 million Americans voted for him. But that was not enough. When the votes were tallied, more than 65 million people voted for "that other guy."

The majority of America wanted something that McCain's campaign did not address. Their ideas did little to resonate with many voters. It did succeed in giving Saturday Night Live some excellent material, though.

The Conservative Party is in shock right now. They are in denial. They have just been dealt a death blow. There is no raucous partying in the park for their candidate. There is no anticipation of what can be accomplished in the coming year. There is only defeat.

Right now, for the most part, we are dead in the water. We have no leader. We have no hope. We have no clear vision of where to go now. We have retreated into our cabins for a long cold winter. We are not wanted by most of the American people.

The Conservatives need some time to mourn and then they must regroup. To survive, they must process the “Obama wake up call” and find a way to fit into this new society. America wants “change”. And I am sure that is what they will get.

The Conservatives have been asked to leave so Obama can come in and save America. A young Senator from Illinois, with virtually little experience and few accomplishments, has to deal with two wars and one of the greatest economic crises America has ever faced. A crisis, I might add, that originated in the Johnson Administration when they began the relaxation of mortgage commitments. The situation became considerably worse under Carter.

And, during the Clinton Administration, the radical group, ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), became another indirect contributor to our woes by putting pressure on banks to make available more funds for mortgage purchases.

President Bush tried to warn the Congress for many years before this impending crisis occurred but they ignored his warnings. Some Congressmen even said there was no reason for concern.

Even so, The President has taken the rap for this crisis and McCain suffered the repercussions since he was constantly linked to Bush. From what I can see, President Bush didn't have much to do with this economic meltdown other than being the reigning President when it happened.

But no one seems to care who is really responsible anymore. They just want Obama to fix it. He will, no doubt, ask for help from some of the very ones in Congress who have contributed to our plight. This plight is the issue Obama has promised to address first. And I'm sure that is what America hoped to hear at his first news conference. What will be his plan?

The question was asked and his response was not what people wanted to hear. He still has not chosen a Secretary of the Treasury. He stressed the need for deliberation before haste but haste is what we need when our economy is going down the toilet. If he was going to have a press conference to calm our fears, why didn't he have this person in place?

The press gave him an out and asked about the puppy. The tension went out of Obama at this question. It seems the Country is preoccupied about the dog. Dogs are man's best friend and I have a feeling Obama is going to need one as these four years progress.

One of my fellow conservatives noticed he seemed nervous. That is understandable when faced with a room full of press asking tough questions and no teleprompter to boot! But his nervousness was endearing to my friend. She felt it showed humility. Or was it fear?

Conservatives are looking for ways to feel good about Obama. One of my most conservative friends is coping by trying to focus on Obama's beautiful family and how they will fare in the White House.

My son is a staunch Republican, which makes him a minority in his high school. He was disappointed that his peers were more concerned about McCain's connection to Bush than they were about Obama's to known terrorists.

Many of my conservative friends are nervous. They knew what they were getting with McCain. They knew he would protect the issues Conservatives have worked so hard to achieve. like pro-family and pro-life legislation. They do not know if these victories will survive under Obama. They just don't know what to expect.

But Conservatives realize that this is still America even though change is in the air. We must have hope that it will all work out in the end. And like my good friend, Joe the pastor, says, "People are putting their hope in the wrong place. In the big scheme of things, there is only one hope for these troubled times. It's the same hope that brought our forefathers to this Country in the first place."

My friends, Joe is right. Even though this candidate was not our personal choice, the Office of the President is one that demands respect by the people of this Country. Our prayers should always be offered up for the one who sits in that Oval Office for he has the hardest job in the world. May God bless America!