Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Only HOpe is.......(revealed in a.very short blog)

What is "your only hope" in??? I was thinking about that last night when I heard a spoof on Princess Leia (sp?).from Star Wars fame, as she was sending a message through R2D2. She said, "You are my only hope, Obi Wan Kenobi (sp?)."

And it made me think about what "my only hope" is? I realize that many of us put our hope in so many different things: the stock market, the future health care plan, our job, the government, the President...our health, our family, our friends..............
But the question I pose in this brief blog: Are any of those things really worth hoping in? What will you do if they fail? Then what?
I am going to dare to say that-- the only SURE place to put your hope is-- in Jesus Christ.
If you have read any of my other blogs then surely you must realize that there is VERY STRONG evidence that God does indeed exist. And HE has given us the greatest HOPE imaginable that transcends this world--it is LIFE everlasting if we accept HIS Gift to us, HIS SON, JESUS--and let HIM be our Savior and Lord.

This is no mindless, Christian cliche' I am telling you. It is the TRUTH. I am a Truth seeker and science and history and logic scream that there is a God!
The evidence is compelling!!!

Just remember, there are over 300 prophecies, written thousands of years before Jesus came on the scene. And HE fulfilled EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!!!! That, my friend, is impossible unless HE truly was/is the ONE they were talking about!!!

So, put your trust (and HOPE) in HIM> I have a feeling that very soon, you are going to need something or Someone to hang onto, and NO ONE has a better grip than a Father Who loves HIS children!

So just wanted to throw that out here because it was on my heart.

"YOU are my ONLY hope, ........Lord Jesus!"


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