Monday, September 29, 2008

What is theTruth Now?

The TRUTH is that there is nothing in this world that we can hold onto! There is absolutely nothing we can trust in on this earth!!!!!! NOTHING!!!!

That is pretty obvious economically since the stock market just dropped 777 points (the most in history!)

We hold tightly to this world thinking that somehow it will stay together if we keep a tight enough grip.

I still try to hold onto things here. We all do. It's in our nature to hang onto what matters to us whether that might be people or things or our own beliefs.

What we believe is what can get us through all of this. Our beliefs should be able to withstand any trial or question that confronts them. Our beliefs should be our foundation of who we are. Our beliefs are our greatest treasure!

We should be open to questioning them and examining them often. We should be willing to look at them objectively. We should know what we believe and those beliefs should be based on TRUTH--- not on what we WANT to be true.

Truth will remain truth no matter what happens on this earth. It will remain when everything else leaves. SO, be sure you have IT. Search for IT if you don't.

You won't find it in the midst of all our human wisdom.There are bits and pieces here and there but no one here has found it ALL. Look around if you don't believe that. Even if we elect the right person to be President and even if we have found the Party that we think will solve all the ills of the United States, we will be disappointed. They may have more answers than the other Party but neither has it all.

Maybe you have noticed that the world seems to be unraveling. It is not as secure as we once thought. The weather is warming up-- according to some. The water is rising and the polar ice caps are melting. There are a lot of people who want to kill us and destroy our wealth and way of life.

It seems to me, as I watch the news, that just about everything could be swept away right from under us. That's not a pleasant thought!

My point is--there is nothing in this world that you can put your hope into. It is going to end and we never know when.That can be pretty depressing if you don't have any hope of something better.

But I do. That's the point of all the blogs I have written.

The TRUTH is: There is hope! There is something beyond all of this chaos. There is something beyond this life. (if you read any of my previous blogs then you read about that).

We are not only physical beings but spiritual ones. And we didn't evolve into spiritual beings after the Big Bang. (If anyone can explain how the spiritual entered into the primordial soup--I would love to hear it!) We were created spiritual beings by a Spiritual Being. There is really no other explanation that makes sense. If you have one, I honestly am open to hearing it.

I am a Seeker of the Truth~

So if it is really TRUE that there is a GOD WHO made all of this and created us to have a relationship with HIM, don't you think it might be a good idea to start having one? Don't you think it might be wise to trust HIM? Wouldn't you rather trust in a BEING WHO says HE loves you instead of these politicians and economic geniuses who think they know what's best for you? I personally don't think any of them have a clue!

And I have a feeling that very soon, there will be a whole lot more people crying out to The God they usually ignore, because everything they have trusted in might be falling to pieces.

Would love to hear from you: