Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Recent Discovery is Amazing!

I was surprised to see in the paper a few days ago, an article about an archaeological discovery in Israel. They found an ancient city , known in the past as the Valley of Elah, which is about 12 miles from Jerusalem. This is the area where David would have fought the giant, Goliath.

This find is about 3000 years old!!!!!!-- Dating it around the time when young David would have roamed the fields as a shepherd of his father's sheep. The Bible gives the account of the famous story of David killing a giant when he was just a boy. But many have thought it was just a myth that people had passed down through the centuries. The archaeologists, who uncovered these artifacts, think that this discovery may now give credence to that ancient story.

Before this find, the earliest known Hebrew documents were the Dead Sea Scrolls; one of the greatest archaeological discoveries known to modern man! These scrolls were well preserved in linen earthenware and they gave us proof that the copies we have of the Old Testament are reliable! They also verified that much of the Bible is historically accurate!

But this new discovery, at the old Valley of Elah, places the writing on the pottery uncovered there to be at least 1000 years older than the scrolls!!!! This is truly amazing! I look forward to all that they discover through these new clues to the past.

This recent discovery is also being used by a Zionist group to strengthen the tie of the Jewish people to the land. They feel they are redrawing the map and that these ancient texts and artifacts are forming the context of Jewish identity. This helps support their claim that the land does indeed belong to them since they lived there thousands of years ago before the Palestinians.

These findings have only added to the many others that sure up the claims of Judaism and Christianity. The Bible is one of the most well documented texts in the world. This discovery ( and many others) gives credence to what is written in this amazing Book! And it demonstrates that Christians and Jews do not have a blind faith. I think you will be surprised to find out how many places and names in the Bible have been verified by archaelogical finds.

There are other religions I want to explore too. And I hope you will be open minded and continue with me in this search for the Truth. I don't think there could be anything more exciting than "uncovering" what is hidden to so many. It's kind of like going on our own "dig" to uncover the secrets that have been buried by the world with all of its distractions. These Truths are lying there underneath the gloss of this world just waiting to be discovered! So get out your "shovels" and join me on the path to Truth.
Indiana Jones--move over!

Please send your responses to carolrtexas2@aol.com