Sunday, November 30, 2008

How do You say "Thanks" in other Religions?

As we extend our stomachs past another Thanksgiving, it's always interesting to ponder what Thanksgiving is really all about. Are we truly thankful? And who are we thankful to?

Most of you know I have the prestigious job of a substitute teacher and I was working Wednesday in a very cute third grade class. We went to the school library that day and I noticed some books on other religions that caught my attention. I have been looking at other religions and their beliefs so I thought this would be a good time to do a little research.

As I read about two of the most famous religions, I wondered who they would thank for all their blessings? I'll give you a short synopsis of their beliefs and we'll find the answer to that question.

If you are a Hindu, then you belong to the one of the oldest religions in the world. There is really no founder known for this religion and there is no sacred book they embrace like the Bible. There are about 700 million Hindus and you have to be born a Hindu to be one--there are no conversions to Hinduism! So you don't have to worry about any proselytizing Hindus knocking on your door.

Saying prayers and visiting the temple is not necessary but many do it. They believe when you die, your soul lives on and is reborn into another body--humans or animals. And how you live effects how you'll be reborn-- Karma. (I bet you have heard that word before.)

Their ultimate aim is to gain salvation and break free of the cycle. Cows are highly regarded and considered sacred. I'm not sure if that is the ultimate "reborn" experience, but if it is, I'm glad I wasn't born a Hindu!

Their supreme spirit is brahman and they believe he was the creator of the universe. There are quite a few more gods and goddesses but there are only 3 main ones. The reason they have the red dot on their foreheads is because that represents a blessing from whatever god they were praying to at the temple or at a roadside shrine.

They use yoga and meditation in search of enlightenment and often repeat a mantra to achieve that place. When they die, they cremate the body and if possible, scatter the ashes in the River Ganges which is considered sacred to them.

So based on this synopsis of Hinduism, I would say that when they have "Thanksgiving", they thank brahman or one of the many other gods they have. And, they have quite a choice!

Now if you're a Buddhist, then you would be thankful to Prince Siddhartha Gautama who, in the early 600's BC, noticed that not everyone lived like he did-- in a palace. I have to say that I like this guy. He seemed to really care about the poor.

He left his wealth at age 29 and became as a poor person seeking the answer to life's suffering. Finally after 49 days of fasting and praying under a tree, he gained enlightenment. The word buddha means "enlightened one" and that's what he felt he attained. He went about preaching his message--the reason people are unhappy is because they are never content with what they have! He had a good point, I think!

Buddhists believe that gaining enlightenment is like waking up from a deep sleep and seeing things as they really are. They achieve this state through saying prayers and reciting passages from the sacred books. They often meditate in groups and try to rid their minds of any thoughts. They do this by chanting a simple verse called a mantra. They are taught to follow the "middle path" between extremes of luxury and hardship. They are peaceful and do not believe in any type of violence

The buddha died at age 80 and then entered what they believe to be heaven--nirvana--a state of perfect bliss and happiness. An interesting "side" note is that he died laying on his side!

Another interesting note about Buddha was that he did not want to be worshipped as a god nor did he claim he was the only path. His teachings were simply guides.Buddhists believe there are other buddhas besides Prince Siddhartha.

His followers are sent out to spread his teaching, called the dharma. So, in their case, you might have to worry about a buddhist knocking on your door! There are more than 400 million Buddhists in the world. They are the fourth largest religion behind Christianity, Muslims and Hindus. They are actually a branch of Hinduism.

What is my point in telling you about these two religions? Other than wondering who they would thank at Thanksgiving, I also believe that to look for truth, you must look at every belief that suggests they have found it! These two religions believe they have found truth.

So how do we know if they have found it? Well, in the first place, if Hindus have found the truth, we're out of luck since you have to be born a Hindu to be one! This is not a very gracious religion, in my opinion!

They also treat some people as untouchables; another form of exclusion which doesn't ring TRUE to me! Truth holds all people as equal! And the cow thing is a little hard to "swallow" in my opinion!

I'm sure Hindus have found some truths along the way, but as a whole, they are not founded on THE TRUTH! It doesn't really matter anyway, since we can't be one!

AS far as Buddhists go, they have discovered some great truths. Truly Prince Siddhartha was a kind man who wanted to find an answer to life's suffering and pain. He gave up a royal position to identify with the common man (much like Moses did in Egypt).

He did find some answers that I would certainly categorize as truths. But is the religion itself built on truth? Perhaps in many ways it is. I do believe we should strive for peace and violence is wrong. And I think he found truth when he said that the reason for much of our unhappiness is because we are not content with what we have.

Probably every religion or belief system is based on several, if not many, truths.

So could this religion be based on the Truth? The buddha, himself, said that he did not want to be worshipped and that his teachings were only guides. And these same principles can be found in the Bible and in other religions.

The buddha was a man who said he was not a god. But that has not stopped many of his followers from worshiping him. He should not be worshipped if he is a man. People are not worthy of worship. If he is looked at as a guide, then he has some good things to say.

We will explore this more in my next column which will also include the Muslim faith.

Hope you enjoy the holidays!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue

I wanted to share with you an article I wrote about the state of the Conservative Party now:

Wednesday morning, November 5th, I was jolted awake but it wasn't by my alarm. No, on this morning, it was Obama that gave me the jolt!!! I have awakened to the reality that Barack Hussein Obama is going to be our new President. It is a Conservative's worst nightmare! The most liberal Senator in Congress has now become the President-elect of the United States!

All of the conservatives knew it was coming but we still held out hope for a man who had weathered far worse odds . The Country respected McCain and over 57 million Americans voted for him. But that was not enough. When the votes were tallied, more than 65 million people voted for "that other guy."

The majority of America wanted something that McCain's campaign did not address. Their ideas did little to resonate with many voters. It did succeed in giving Saturday Night Live some excellent material, though.

The Conservative Party is in shock right now. They are in denial. They have just been dealt a death blow. There is no raucous partying in the park for their candidate. There is no anticipation of what can be accomplished in the coming year. There is only defeat.

Right now, for the most part, we are dead in the water. We have no leader. We have no hope. We have no clear vision of where to go now. We have retreated into our cabins for a long cold winter. We are not wanted by most of the American people.

The Conservatives need some time to mourn and then they must regroup. To survive, they must process the “Obama wake up call” and find a way to fit into this new society. America wants “change”. And I am sure that is what they will get.

The Conservatives have been asked to leave so Obama can come in and save America. A young Senator from Illinois, with virtually little experience and few accomplishments, has to deal with two wars and one of the greatest economic crises America has ever faced. A crisis, I might add, that originated in the Johnson Administration when they began the relaxation of mortgage commitments. The situation became considerably worse under Carter.

And, during the Clinton Administration, the radical group, ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), became another indirect contributor to our woes by putting pressure on banks to make available more funds for mortgage purchases.

President Bush tried to warn the Congress for many years before this impending crisis occurred but they ignored his warnings. Some Congressmen even said there was no reason for concern.

Even so, The President has taken the rap for this crisis and McCain suffered the repercussions since he was constantly linked to Bush. From what I can see, President Bush didn't have much to do with this economic meltdown other than being the reigning President when it happened.

But no one seems to care who is really responsible anymore. They just want Obama to fix it. He will, no doubt, ask for help from some of the very ones in Congress who have contributed to our plight. This plight is the issue Obama has promised to address first. And I'm sure that is what America hoped to hear at his first news conference. What will be his plan?

The question was asked and his response was not what people wanted to hear. He still has not chosen a Secretary of the Treasury. He stressed the need for deliberation before haste but haste is what we need when our economy is going down the toilet. If he was going to have a press conference to calm our fears, why didn't he have this person in place?

The press gave him an out and asked about the puppy. The tension went out of Obama at this question. It seems the Country is preoccupied about the dog. Dogs are man's best friend and I have a feeling Obama is going to need one as these four years progress.

One of my fellow conservatives noticed he seemed nervous. That is understandable when faced with a room full of press asking tough questions and no teleprompter to boot! But his nervousness was endearing to my friend. She felt it showed humility. Or was it fear?

Conservatives are looking for ways to feel good about Obama. One of my most conservative friends is coping by trying to focus on Obama's beautiful family and how they will fare in the White House.

My son is a staunch Republican, which makes him a minority in his high school. He was disappointed that his peers were more concerned about McCain's connection to Bush than they were about Obama's to known terrorists.

Many of my conservative friends are nervous. They knew what they were getting with McCain. They knew he would protect the issues Conservatives have worked so hard to achieve. like pro-family and pro-life legislation. They do not know if these victories will survive under Obama. They just don't know what to expect.

But Conservatives realize that this is still America even though change is in the air. We must have hope that it will all work out in the end. And like my good friend, Joe the pastor, says, "People are putting their hope in the wrong place. In the big scheme of things, there is only one hope for these troubled times. It's the same hope that brought our forefathers to this Country in the first place."

My friends, Joe is right. Even though this candidate was not our personal choice, the Office of the President is one that demands respect by the people of this Country. Our prayers should always be offered up for the one who sits in that Oval Office for he has the hardest job in the world. May God bless America!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Recent Discovery is Amazing!

I was surprised to see in the paper a few days ago, an article about an archaeological discovery in Israel. They found an ancient city , known in the past as the Valley of Elah, which is about 12 miles from Jerusalem. This is the area where David would have fought the giant, Goliath.

This find is about 3000 years old!!!!!!-- Dating it around the time when young David would have roamed the fields as a shepherd of his father's sheep. The Bible gives the account of the famous story of David killing a giant when he was just a boy. But many have thought it was just a myth that people had passed down through the centuries. The archaeologists, who uncovered these artifacts, think that this discovery may now give credence to that ancient story.

Before this find, the earliest known Hebrew documents were the Dead Sea Scrolls; one of the greatest archaeological discoveries known to modern man! These scrolls were well preserved in linen earthenware and they gave us proof that the copies we have of the Old Testament are reliable! They also verified that much of the Bible is historically accurate!

But this new discovery, at the old Valley of Elah, places the writing on the pottery uncovered there to be at least 1000 years older than the scrolls!!!! This is truly amazing! I look forward to all that they discover through these new clues to the past.

This recent discovery is also being used by a Zionist group to strengthen the tie of the Jewish people to the land. They feel they are redrawing the map and that these ancient texts and artifacts are forming the context of Jewish identity. This helps support their claim that the land does indeed belong to them since they lived there thousands of years ago before the Palestinians.

These findings have only added to the many others that sure up the claims of Judaism and Christianity. The Bible is one of the most well documented texts in the world. This discovery ( and many others) gives credence to what is written in this amazing Book! And it demonstrates that Christians and Jews do not have a blind faith. I think you will be surprised to find out how many places and names in the Bible have been verified by archaelogical finds.

There are other religions I want to explore too. And I hope you will be open minded and continue with me in this search for the Truth. I don't think there could be anything more exciting than "uncovering" what is hidden to so many. It's kind of like going on our own "dig" to uncover the secrets that have been buried by the world with all of its distractions. These Truths are lying there underneath the gloss of this world just waiting to be discovered! So get out your "shovels" and join me on the path to Truth.
Indiana Jones--move over!

Please send your responses to

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Definition of TRUTH

(1): the state of being the case :
fact (2): the body of real things, events, and facts : actuality (3)often capitalized : a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality b: a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true c: the body of true statements and propositions3 a: the property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality.

Truth is real and it is based on facts or things that can be proven. If not, then it does not constitute Truth. It is only conjecture. I do not want to base my life on conjecture. I want the Truth and nothing but the Truth.

What facts or evidence do you have to back up your basic beliefs regarding things like: family, faith, goals, life, death,etc. Is it based on how you were brought up or things you have learned in life? Is your belief system based on hurt, rejection, love, knowledge, faith, or just the facts?

I would love to know what you believe and why.

Would you believe something entirely different if you were shown that another belief was true? If someone had some hard evidence contrary to what you have always held dear, would you then embrace that Truth?

I think I would. I would do a lot of research but if the facts and evidence were there, I hope I would say, "OK-- new thoughts, new way of thinking, new life-- bring it on."

I'm not saying that I can definitely back up everything I believe but that's why I am doing this blog.

We live our lives every day based on some type of belief system. I am just trying to get you to question yours because I am questioning mine. I want to have some company on my journey.

And also, I do not want to be fooled. I do not want to believe a lie. And I do not want to promote a lie or a false belief system. I do not want to BASE my life on something that is not true. What we believe effects EVERYTHING we do.

But when I do find the TRUTH, then I want to passionately embrace it and I want you to embrace it, too!

Does it make sense to you that I would want you to embrace what I believe is true? Don't you love it when you meet someone who thinks like you do? We all want to find that kindred spirit, don't we?

Does that mean you have to believe what I believe for me to embrace you? NO, absolutely not!
BUT-- it does not take away the desire for it to happen.

You may think it doesn't really matter if we all believe different things. But it could make a huge difference in your life depending on the circumstances.

The election is a good example of this. Depending on what you, and a million others deem to be TRUE, either Obama or McCain will soon be our new President.
This decision will profoundly effect all of our lives.

People come at this election with many different opinions, beliefs, prejudices, fears and even facts. Why are you voting the way you are? Is it because you grew up a Democrat or a Republican? Is it because you are mainly concerned about the economy? Or is it out of anger about the war? Could it be your belief about the sanctity of life? Who is right and who is wrong? Who is the right choice?

If you live in America right now, it DOES MATTER what others believe to be TRUE!

There is a TRUTH that could remedy each problem we face in this Country. It has nothing to do with a certain party or candidate. It is not a matter of right or wrong. It has nothing to do with our opinions or beliefs. The TRUTH is just simply there. Our part is to look for it.

I hope we can find it together!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I asked my son the other night if he believed there is only ONE Truth about each thing in this world? At first he said he wasn't sure and then he said he thought there probably was only one Truth.

It then occurred to me that this question was kind of profound although I didn't realize it at the time.

So I wondered about it myself. Do I believe there is only one Truth in regard to everything? I thought about it quite a bit and then decided that-- I think I do!
As amazing at it may seem, I think there must be only ONE TRUTH in regard to everything on this earth!!!!!

Have you ever thought about that? I never had until I started on this journey seeking Truth.

Let me ask you: what would the alternative be?
IF there is NOT just ONE Truth in every situation, every writing, and every belief in this world, would that mean there are many truths regarding each one?
How could there be many truths about one thing?
There can be many opinions and thoughts but all of those are based on what each person believes to be TRUE!
How could each person be right when they believe very different things?

If you take this to its logical conclusion, I think you would have to agree that there must be only ONE TRUTH in every single facet of life!

And IF that is True, then how could there be so many different opinions and thoughts and beliefs in the world? And each one believes they are right?

That has never been more evident than NOW in watching this election!!!! There are a lot of people who think they have found the truth in a certain candidate and they will not even consider the possibility that they are wrong.

Of course, not any one candidate has ALL the truth but one of them has to have more than the other, right? Does that mean that one of the candidates is definitely the right one?

People are willing to die for what they believe to be true. I admire their passion, but passion does not equal Truth! We can be passionate about something that is false.

That is the reason it is so important that you know what you believe and KNOW that it is TRUE! Otherwise, you are living your life based on a lie. That is not a good way to live!

Is it possible to know THE TRUTH about each and every thing? I believe it is. That's why I'm doing this search.

So what have I come to believe is THE TRUTH? Let me tell you by saying this:

The world is in chaos and I would propose that if everyone REALLY did follow the ONE I believe has the TRUTH--all the TRUTH--that the world would be in order. That there would be no collapse of the economy because there would be no greed. That there would be no hunger because we would share. There would be no extermination of people in Darfur because they would be loved--not hated. There would be no loneliness because we would care. There would be no orphans, or homeless, or poor because we would take care of them because we would see them as our own.

And there would be no need to spend millions of dollars on campaigns to pick a leader because those with the gift of leadership would naturally lead. And others would follow and they would contribute to this world with their gifts--through giving, teaching, art, music, healing or whatever has been given them. Leadership would not be about power and showing how horrible the other candidate is. It would be about caring about other people and doing what is in their best interest.

There would be peace in this world. There would be no war in Iraq and no country would feel the need to take over another. They would all exist respecting each other because they would all follow what is TRUE!

It kind of sounds like heaven, doesn't it? I believe that is what TRUTH would look like on this earth--Heaven.

I would love to know what you think about this. Sometimes we need others to help us see what is True. We can all be deceived at times. We can help each other if we care enough to try. I believe we can arrive at the TRUTH together.

TRUTH awaits us. We just have to find it and embrace it.

Monday, September 29, 2008

What is theTruth Now?

The TRUTH is that there is nothing in this world that we can hold onto! There is absolutely nothing we can trust in on this earth!!!!!! NOTHING!!!!

That is pretty obvious economically since the stock market just dropped 777 points (the most in history!)

We hold tightly to this world thinking that somehow it will stay together if we keep a tight enough grip.

I still try to hold onto things here. We all do. It's in our nature to hang onto what matters to us whether that might be people or things or our own beliefs.

What we believe is what can get us through all of this. Our beliefs should be able to withstand any trial or question that confronts them. Our beliefs should be our foundation of who we are. Our beliefs are our greatest treasure!

We should be open to questioning them and examining them often. We should be willing to look at them objectively. We should know what we believe and those beliefs should be based on TRUTH--- not on what we WANT to be true.

Truth will remain truth no matter what happens on this earth. It will remain when everything else leaves. SO, be sure you have IT. Search for IT if you don't.

You won't find it in the midst of all our human wisdom.There are bits and pieces here and there but no one here has found it ALL. Look around if you don't believe that. Even if we elect the right person to be President and even if we have found the Party that we think will solve all the ills of the United States, we will be disappointed. They may have more answers than the other Party but neither has it all.

Maybe you have noticed that the world seems to be unraveling. It is not as secure as we once thought. The weather is warming up-- according to some. The water is rising and the polar ice caps are melting. There are a lot of people who want to kill us and destroy our wealth and way of life.

It seems to me, as I watch the news, that just about everything could be swept away right from under us. That's not a pleasant thought!

My point is--there is nothing in this world that you can put your hope into. It is going to end and we never know when.That can be pretty depressing if you don't have any hope of something better.

But I do. That's the point of all the blogs I have written.

The TRUTH is: There is hope! There is something beyond all of this chaos. There is something beyond this life. (if you read any of my previous blogs then you read about that).

We are not only physical beings but spiritual ones. And we didn't evolve into spiritual beings after the Big Bang. (If anyone can explain how the spiritual entered into the primordial soup--I would love to hear it!) We were created spiritual beings by a Spiritual Being. There is really no other explanation that makes sense. If you have one, I honestly am open to hearing it.

I am a Seeker of the Truth~

So if it is really TRUE that there is a GOD WHO made all of this and created us to have a relationship with HIM, don't you think it might be a good idea to start having one? Don't you think it might be wise to trust HIM? Wouldn't you rather trust in a BEING WHO says HE loves you instead of these politicians and economic geniuses who think they know what's best for you? I personally don't think any of them have a clue!

And I have a feeling that very soon, there will be a whole lot more people crying out to The God they usually ignore, because everything they have trusted in might be falling to pieces.

Would love to hear from you:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Scientists are Searching for the Truth

The news yesterday (September 10th, 2008) said that some scientists in another part of the world are building the largest and most expensive science experiment ever! It's called the Large Hadron Collider, also known as the Huge Particle Smashing machine, and the purpose of it is to try and recreate the Big Bang!

They want to simulate the gases and particles and such that produced the big explosion back in the day--15 million years ago--give or take a million.

They are hoping this experiment will answer a lot of unanswered questions. They are seekers of the Truth! I admire people who are willing to look for answers even if it costs billions of dollars to do it!

I do think it's interesting that the article said they want to "recreate" the conditions that they assume were in place back then. It was an interesting way to put it. In order for something to be "recreated" it has to be CREATED first, does it not?

So some questions formed in my mind as I thought about that. I actually woke up this morning thinking about it!

One of the first questions that I thought of was:
Where did the gases and particles come from that created this Big Bang?
I have always wondered about that when the scientists talk about the beginning of our universe.

And where did the surroundings of the universe come from???
There had to be a space where the explosion occurred, if I'm not mistaken?
How did that already exist?

Another question I have is, how did two amoebas form from that blast? I guess you would need two, right, in order for them to multiply?
Or, I guess you would need only one if that particular amoeba is unisexed....?
I think, like Obama, this is above my pay grade so I'll stop talking about something I know nothing about!

I am blown away by things like this experiment! Did you know that there are people who are actually afraid that this might create black holes that will suck the earth in?! Amazing! Frightening....but amazing!

The scientists do think there is actually a possibility that it might create little black holes but pooh pooed the idea of the earth being sucked into one! Not reassuring, in my opinion.
But what if the little black hole just sucks in a person or a house or a little dog? Could that happen?

The little black hole thing is a little scary if you ask me.

A lot to think about. I can't wait to hear about what they discover!
If you want to read more about this very unusual experiment, one of the links is: Click here: CERN - The Large Hadron Collider

And I would love to know how you think the universe began.

email me at:

Friday, September 5, 2008

I'm Dying

Hopefully not any time soon! But, as you know, I'm on this quest for Truth and that is one of the more unfortunate truths--I am going to die. And... so are you.

I think most of us do anything to NOT think about that fact. We distract ourselves with whatever works in a desperate attempt to avoid the inevitable truth--- we are all going to die. But the fact is, it's coming for us whether we are ready or not.

I believe we would be better off to just face it head on and quit pretending it's not going to happen. If we kept it before us (in a healthy way), it might just enrich our lives and give us the perspective we need to make the most of our time.

Many years ago, I was in a terrible car wreck. I was living in Bryan/College Station going to school at Texas A & M. I went with some friends to Austin and on the way home, we had a one car accident . The girl in the back seat, Lorena, died soon after. I didn't know her very well but she was a very kind, young woman. She had a love for God and others. She had just gotten engaged AND-- she had just entered her twenties.

As an ambulance (that just happened to be coming down the road) whisked us back to Austin, life became crystal clear. EVERYTHING was suddenly put into perspective for me. I knew at that moment what was really important and what was not. It didn't take long though for life to shroud that clarity. And, as I lost my perspective, I lost my way and became very depressed.

I was reeling from that tragedy as were many others. I could not figure out why it was her and not me? For months, I felt guilty that I was alive and she wasn't. I did everything I could to kill the pain.

It didn't work.

The only thing that really helped me during that time was, strangely enough, a dream I had. Like I said before I didn't know Lorena that well, but because I was in the wreck with her, she came to visit me one night in a dream. It was as real to me then as this blog is to me now.

She came back to tell me that she was FINE! She was glowing-- literally! She kept saying, "There is so much love here! I can't describe it!" She seemed to be in a place of such unimaginable love that apparently it was indescribable. She was very happy!

I was, too, after I woke up! I still remember the joy I felt after waking from that dream. I have never experienced anything like it again. Several other people she knew had a similar dream but we didn't realize that until later. Now how do you explain something like that?

I also knew of a man back then, who was very sick and he was in the hospital. He was "deathly" afraid of dying. And then his fear came true and he did die--but they were able to revive him. He returned a different man! He had an experience while he was dead that caused him to no longer be afraid of dying! He was very happy even though he was still in the hospital and still facing death! He was a changed man!

Now I realize that these experiences do not necessarily constitute TRUTH. There is no way I can prove that the dream was real or that the man really had a happy experience while he was dead. All I know for sure is, that I had a dream and it changed my perspective! It helped me to realize that life is a gift and I needed to quit wasting it feeling guilty. And it made me realize, too, that just possibly, death is a gift that we should not fear! It might just be a better place than we ever imagined. It might even be better than the life we know so well here!

We have all heard of those who died and were revived and they experienced something like this, too. Were they imagining it? Perhaps, but some were able to tell the doctors and nurses things they saw them doing and things they said as they hovered above their own body! I don't think that is imagination.

And there are a few I have heard of who died and did not have such a great experience. They went to a place of darkness and it was not a place they wanted to stay. That is not comforting but apparently a true experience for some.

Sometimes Truth comes to us through experience. Sometimes it comes as a revelation and sometimes it comes as a fact.

Death is a truth we know for a Fact. It is not our favorite fact but still looms over us, nevertheless. There is no way to escape it. Some may think that people created an afterlife to cushion the pain of death and the thought of losing someone we love forever. And let me assure you, it certainly does help since I have lost a good part of my family to death. I do believe I will see them again!

But I think there is evidence that supports that belief and it's not just wishful thinking.

It comes from those who have experienced it and have been able to come back and tell us about it. Think about it-- we are quick to believe people when they return from a trip and they see something amazing! We don't question their experience. So why do we do it when people return from death?

And if we believe the Bible is true, IT states that there is life after death. And there are other religions who also embrace an afterlife experience. I guess we won't know for sure until we get there. But I'm betting my life that there is "something" beyond what we know here. And I am believing it is called Heaven.

If you have not seen the movie, "The Lord of the Rings", I would strongly suggest you do. There are three different movies in the series and in the one called, "The Return of the King", there is a scene that explains death in such a beautiful way.

In the scene, there is an intense battle raging and one of the characters in the story, named Pippen (not sure if that is the right spelling), is lamenting that his death is near. The battle is not going well and the enemy is about to knock down the gate. Pippen is waiting for the inevitable outcome with his wise friend, Gandalf, who has been to death and back.

Pippen is looking at Gandalf and says, " I didn't think it would end this way."

Gandalf replies, "End? No... No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path. One that we all must take.... The gray rain curtain of this world rolls back and all turns to silver glass......Then you see it."

Gandalf pauses and has a far away look in his eyes. Pippen prods him to continue and hopes he is quick since the enemy has now breached their army's defense.

Gandalf continues: "White shores.... and beyond. A far green country under a swift sunrise."

Pippen smiles and says, "Well....that isn't so bad."

Gandalf smiles back: "No... No it isn't."

It's really more beautiful to hear than to read so I hope you will get a chance to see it. But more importantly, I hope you and I are ready for those shores when they come. And that we live our lives to the full in the meantime.

Any thoughts or comments? Please email Carol at

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Seeker of Truth

What if I told you I would believe anything if you could prove it to me? Would you be surprised? I think I have come to that place in my life where I want the Truth and nothing but the Truth! I don't want to believe ANYTHING just because I have all my life or because my parents did or because it's the popular thought of the day.

Now you may ask, why am I saying this at this stage of the game?

This new openness and desire kind of "evolved" over the past few weeks as I have had some quality time to spend at my favorite reflection pool-- the ocean. And I am not sure what prompted me to start thinking this way at my age but I'm glad it happened. It could be this book I just finished, Blue Like Jazz, by Donald Miller.
Or it could be that I don't want to reach the end of my life and find out-- "oh no, I was wrong all along!"

I want to know Truth. I thirst for it. And I want to live my life in the light of that Truth.

Now, can I ask you something? Do you ever question what you believe?

I have off and on through the years but never with as much open mindedness as I have now.

I kind of like this label I have given myself--"Seeker of the Truth". Feels kind of cool to say it and really mean it. OK, I'm sure that I still have thoughts buried in my subconscious that are not easily uncovered and analyzed, so I can't say I'm not influenced by my past. As a matter of fact, I'm thankful for the things I learned as a child because I think they greatly impacted my life for the good.

But what about those who have not been brought up with positive ideas. What about those that are taught to hate like it is the most fundamental truth there is? What about those who have been brought up to believe in different gods? What does their truth look like? Is Truth relative according to your environment, your culture, your world view? Is Truth found in one "special" place or book or is IT spread out everywhere? Is there just ONE Truth or is there many truths? Is Truth what you think it is or what your neighbor thinks it is??? Am I so naive to think that my truth is right and yours isn't?
I used to be.

I am on a journey to discover THE Truth from my new "enlightenment". If that offends you then I ask you--WHY? How do you know you have the ONLY Truth? I REALLY do want to know WHY you think that if you do? And hopefully, I will be able to show you, from the most objective form of discovery I can muster, what I now believe.

I dare you! I dare you to know what you believe-- And to be able to defend it!

And don't believe what you believe just because you have always believed it. Believe it because you KNOW it's true and you are willing to live IT--or die for IT.

I urge you to not go through life believing something because you always have.

There are those who wear a smug cloak of "I found it and you haven't" attitude. They then shut their doors to any other possibilities and refuse to embrace those who come from a different angle. I know none of you are so "intolerant" as that but I have known many who were. I myself have been guilty of slamming the door on others who believed differently from me. And now, to my dismay, I now believe what they were trying to tell me was TRUE! I shut out the Truth because I thought I had already found it. I guarantee you that there is ALWAYS more Truth to be known. None of us have arrived yet!

So I'm going to write about what I find on this journey. A diary, if you will, from the things I discover to be True along the Way. I hope you'll join me. And I hope you'll start your own.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Being Limited

I walk nearly every day and I love it! It's my time to pray and be with God. And for the past few months, this time has been a refuge for me as it has been a difficult period for me and my family. That is one reason I haven't written in a while. I just haven't felt inspired. But recently, I realized that it's times like these that I should be writing because it is therapeutic. And tragic times call for creativity to get us through.
It was during one of these walks, that I was inspired to write this blog because I met a most unusual person. I think I had seen him before but I didn't pay much attention to him. His name is, Shawn, and he had something to teach me.
Shawn is probably in his 20's and is, what some would term-- mentally challenged, retarded or limited. He was standing on the corner of a street close to my house and he said hello to me which I responded with a hello back. He then said the most amazing thing, "you look pretty today"! At first, I chalked this up to the fact that, he is, after all, limited in his perceptions of things. And he probably said that to every woman who walked by so it didn't mean that much to me. I just thought it was cute.
But the next day, he said it again. And I thought that this is just something he has learned to say because it brings a good response from those he says it to.
The next day, I filed his compliment in the learning theory of behavior modification and thanked him and went on my way.
Another day, another walk, another compliment.-- I don't think I even heard it because I knew he was going to say it.
The next day, I turned the corner and he wasn't there. I didn't see him anywhere. I looked around for him. Where was he??? I then realized-- I missed him---A LOT!
I continued my walk reluctantly, and it occured to me that I had grown accustomed to being complimented every day and told I was pretty. And --I liked it! It was surprising to me how much his "compliments on cue" had each day become a lift in my step and a smile on my "pretty" face!
This sweet, "limited" boy had found his way into my limited heart.
I had tried every way I could to discount his compliments because I felt they were not grounded in reality. After all, I have a mirror. But who am I to question his motives and even his perception of things? If he thinks I'm pretty, then so be it! I'll accept that at "face" value.
How often do I limit the joy I could feel by explaining it away or thinking it comes from a source that I don't value. So often I limit my relationships by not opening my mind (and heart) to the blessing right in front of me.
Shawn is free of all the complicated ways I try to construct my perceptions of other people and what they say to me. I size up the person based on appearance, clothes, personality, environment, race and my own perception of myself. And in the midst of doing all of that, maybe I heard a little of what they actually said. Why can't I just accept people the way they are and take what they say without analyzing it to pieces? I miss so many blessings by not really believing what people say to me. Even if what they say is hurtful. Sometimes it holds a truth I need to hear.
Life is complicated enough. I need to simplify my communication and start really listening to people and take what they say with a simple "thank you".
I've concluded that Shawn says what he means and I'm the one who is limited.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Gifts I Received Today!

I'm at West Lido beach as I write this. I'm "taking in" the ocean. Tim and Luke are at a youth conference in Baltimore and so I have all this "free" time to do some things. The "things" I should do can wait because the beach is calling my name.

I love to go to the beach and just totally be there. I love to walk by the waves and look at every little shell that catches my eye and not feel rushed to leave. Well, there is no one rushing me today! And I'm loving every minute of it! It is incredibly magnificent! There are no words to describe how beautiful the weather is right now!

The beach is beautiful and the waves are crashing and the sky is blue and the breeze is perfect! I am relishing it all! And then I realize that being here is a beautiful gift to me. The ONE WHO made it all is enjoying it right along with me! HE is aware that I am delighting in all HE has made! And I know that pleases HIM!

God is here. I see HIS hand everywhere~~~The waves are dancing in delight as if they are raising their white caps to worship HIM! The blue sky backs them up with clarity and hue. The sea gulls join in with their song as they sail in the sky~~ The Sandpipers rush to and fro excited to be there~~~Just like me~!

After walking a while, I lay down on the sand and bask in the sun while the breezes flow over me. I listen to the beautiful rhythm of the waves as they hit the shore with a melodic beat. They lull me to a peace that is rare on this earth.I am aware how precious this time is. It is a sweet gift from my Holy Father. HE is always near but HE seems much closer when I come to the shore. It is a reflection of HIS power and how awesome HE is~~!

I think that God is a lot like the ocean. HE is powerful and majestic! HE is deep and beautiful! We cannot fathom HIM like we cannot fathom the deeps of the ocean. We try to fit God into our finite brains but we cannot do that any more than we can fit the ocean into a swimming pool! We try to understand HIM but we simply cannot. HE is too awesome to comprehend just as the ocean is too vast to contain.
I leave my bag and towel and take my phone and keys and set out to enjoy the shore. I walk for an hour and love every second of it. I see something in the distance and as I came closer to it, I realize that the large clump is a large group of Sandpipers just hanging out together. I have never seen anything like this before! There are about a hundred of them and they seem to be standing in lines.

There are some who are going in and out of the group but they do it in a very organized way. There seems to be a method to their madness~!
The ones coming in from the ocean go to the back of the group and the rest stay in place. The group grows bigger in the back. There are some who actually seem to be patrolling the group to be sure they are staying in line! It is awesome! I walk as close as I can to them without disturbing them and watch them for a long time! It is very entertaining because they are so cute!
Another gift!
I walk back enjoying the sun shining on my face and I feel like I am in my twenties again. I feel strong and thin and a little darker! This is a definite GIFT! I feel so good that I almost can't contain it.
As I drive home, I just can't believe the beauty of the weather! I walk my dog, Sugar, down the streets around my neighborhood and every tree is budding with beautiful flowers and the birds are singing in every bird language! I want to wrap my arms around the day and just hug it!
This is another gift!
God has just blessed my day so much. All HE has created HE wants me to enjoy. HE made everything for HIS pleasure-- and ours! HE delights in our delight. HE is the Giver of good gifts! And he certainly gave me some wonderful gifts today! I just want to hug HIM!


Monday, March 10, 2008

IF You're not Sure You Believe in God

If you are struggling with your faith or if you don't believe in God, for whatever reason, read this blog. I don't know if it will make a difference but I know that it helped me. So let me know if it makes a difference to you. This blog is partly about my journey and partly something I discovered on the "road".

I was thinking about my life one night as I was sitting in the church I now go to. I started going to it about a year ago and it kind of hit me that my life journey had brought me to this little church where I never expected to end up. The church is very close to my home and I have driven past it a million times and know people who go there. But I just always thought I'd stay in the church I had been going to for the past 9 years.

We all make a journey through this life (as corny as that may sound). And mine brought me to this little church after all my years of walking as a Christian. And in this church, through God using certain people, I have found amazing freedom and healing in my life that I had never found before!

Over the years I have gone to many different churches. When I was growing up in TX, I went to a huge Church! It was immense--especially in my small eyes. But I DIDN'T find God there. And I was hungry for HIM-- even then.

Of course, I heard a lot about HIM and learned many facts and stories and rules--but not HIM. HE may have been there-- but I didn't see HIM.

I often think that people give up on God because we ( people, Christians, churches) get in the way.

Some of you may have once believed in God but not so much anymore. You went to church for a while but it didn't really do anything for you so you just quit going. Or maybe someone (or a group of people) really hurt you there. And you thought, "if this is Christianity---forget about it!"

But I'm here to tell you ----DON'T STOP LOOKING!

HE is REAL! HE says if you seek HIM diligently, you WILL find HIM!
I guarantee you will-- if you really want to!

I would venture to say that nearly everyone believes there is a spiritual world out there. They may not call it God. Some may call it enlightenment or a Higher Power or just plain "energy". But most realize there is "something" out there that is not of this world--it's spiritual.

So if you are not really sure there is a God:

..... then you probably believe that we just came into being after a big explosion. And that explosion somehow created life-- something like an amoeba. And that amoeba became all the different life forms we have today.

But if that's true, then how did the spiritual world develop from that amoeba?

Now you may be one of the few people who doesn't even believe in spiritual things. But most people do believe in spirituality in some form. They have seen things they cannot explain and they knew they were from a spiritual realm. I have experienced the supernatural--both Good and bad--so I know it exists.

(I would be glad to tell you more about that if you are interested.)

Where did that spiritual element come from if we were all blown into existence?

And if there is a spiritual force in this world, what is its source?

I personally believe there is a "veil" that covers our physical eyes which keeps us from seeing the spiritual world. But just because we can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. It is.

Just like the wind-- we can't see it but we know it exists~

In my life journey I have come to believe that there is a spiritual world. And that world has to have a source.... I believe it comes from a Spiritual Being. We are not able to comprehend this BEING-- just like it's pretty hard to comprehend how an explosion created life.

And it's also hard to comprehend and fathom the millions of galaxies that go on and on without end in this universe. But just because it's mind boggling to try and fathom a universe that seems to be endless., doesn't mean that it's not true. Our most powerful telescopes in space just find more and more galaxies as they float deeper and deeper into our solar system.

And just because it's hard to fathom an Almighty, Spiritual BEING, does not mean HE is not there!

Perhaps you have talked yourself out of believing because it is such a stretch to believe in HIM?

But what is the alternative?

Is it any easier to believe that an asteroid created all of it??? And that life somehow formed from this major explosion and then evolved into all the different life forms we have today on earth?? And one of those forms became apes and the other humans? And the humans have a greater intelligence and a spiritual part to them-- but the apes weren't so fortunate?
(People who believe this are considered the intellectuals.)

It doesn't make any more sense to believe that than it does in an Almighty God. But perhaps it's easier to believe in the "big bang" because there is no responsibility to then have to deal with the reality of a Holy God.

But if it does happen to be true that there is a God, what does that mean to you?

It means you are loved by an amazing Being! It means you get to have a relationship with the ONE WHO made you! It means you get to live forever with HIM if you accept the gift HIS Son gave you--forgiveness for your sins. And we ALL need that forgiveness!

HE also said there is a very real and present enemy that lives and moves on this earth. And he is out to destroy all that is good in this world and he means business. That is why there is so much sadness and pain in this world.

You cannot live passively in this life. You have to serve somebody-- just like the song says.

God doesn't want anyone to end up without HIM. That is why HE made a way for us so we don't have to. But it is our choice.

So if you still doubt HE exists, then find out for yourself whether HE is real or not. Ask HIM to show you HIMSELF. And if you are really looking--HE will!

Then ask HIM into your heart. This Amazing BEING wants a relationship with you! That's why HE created us in the first place--like a Father who wants to have a child---HE wants You. HE doesn't just want you to know about HIM-- HE wants you to know HIM! And that will take you a lifetime--an eternity.

Have a Glorious Easter!
